Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003
Dear Diary:

You know how you join some web site, and they ask you to create a user name and password? You know how they have that little place that says, "Forgot your password? Click here" and you look at it and think to yourself, "What kind of moron can't remember their password?"


I am that moron.

Every time I join a new site I promise myself that I will a) create a Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password that I will never, ever forget and b) store said Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password in a safe place as a sort of failsafe mechanism in case my remarkable memory fails me.

It's these kinds of delusions that have made me the woman I am.

The truth is that the memory section of my brain seems to have converted itself into pure Teflon. Oh yes, important data rushes into my brain, hits the memory section and slides right off, never to be seen again. Send me anywhere without A List Of Things I Must Do and you are looking for trouble with a "T" and that rhymes with "A" for Accident Waiting To Happen.

Oh, wait, it doesn't rhyme.

Look, I'm doing the best I can.

So that leaves the failsafe mechanism, right?

Well, yes, except that my failsafe mechanism seems to be to write my Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password on the back of some piece of scrap paper (because I'm all about being environmentally friendly). Then, every few weeks in a fit of cleanliness, I will gather up all the scrap paper in my office and take it to the recycling bin, only remembering after I pitch said paper into the smelly confines of the bin that one scrap holds The Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password.

The Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password which I have, of course, forgotten.

I did it again this week and have had to click on the "Brain Dead Morons Who Cannot Remember Their Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password" line of not one but TWO separate web sites.

So now, in a fit of heretofore never seen organization, I have resolved to buy a small notebook in which to record my user names and Pithy, Incredibly Appropriate Unforgettable Password for each site I use so that this never happens to me again.

Anyone want to bet on how long it will take me to lose the notebook?


Mileage on the Marnometer: 63.23 miles (101.74 kilometers) Ten percent there rubber duck.
Goal for 2003: 500 miles - 804.5 kilometers

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This template is a riff on a design by the truly talented Quinn. Because I'm a html 'tard, I got alot of pity coding to modify it from Ms. Kittay, a woman who can make html roll over, beg, and bring her her slippers. The logo goodness comes from the God of Graphics, the Fuhrer of Fonts, the one, the only El Presidente. I smooch you all. The background image is part of a painting called Higher Calling by Carter Goodrich which graced the cover of the Aug. 3, 1998 issue of The New Yorker Magazine.

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�2000, 2001, 2002 Marn. This is me, dagnabbit. You be you.