Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003
Dear Diary:

Maestro, can I have a drum roll, please?


Yep, sometime overnight Google registered all the wangitude you've given me and it declared the spousal unit its go to guy for wangitude:

Mr. Wangitude.  I am the consort of Mr. Wangitude.  Be still my beating heart.

(I apologize for the blur, but it's hard to get a clean screen capture involving so much detail.)

I still can't get over it. 3,083,324,652 web pages searched by Google and thanks to you, my three loyal readers, mentions of the spousal unit completely fill the coveted opening screen now.

Mr. Wangitude. You made him Google's Mr. Wangitude, which is just about the goofiest gift you could give someone for their 50th birthday and I smooch you all many, many times for doing this. Come April 25 there will be a horrendously embarrassed man yelling at me for doing such an outrageous thing to him.

Tee hee.

In the meantime, remember:

All The Wangitude Are Belong To Us.


Oh, and just because I like the words: Galactic toss monkey.

Mileage on the Marnometer: 115.91 miles (186.5 kilometers) Ten percent there rubber duck.Ten percent there rubber duck.
Goal for 2003: 500 miles - 804.5 kilometers

Going Nowhere Collaboration

I'm a finalist.  I expect to see monkeys flying out of my butt any minute.

Thanks for nominating The Big Adventure for a award. Congrats to all who were nominated, especially my pal and inspiration Bev and the one, the only Weetabix.

Old Drivel - New Drivel

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This template is a riff on a design by the truly talented Quinn. Because I'm a html 'tard, I got alot of pity coding to modify it from Ms. Kittay, a woman who can make html roll over, beg, and bring her her slippers. The logo goodness comes from the God of Graphics, the Fuhrer of Fonts, the one, the only El Presidente. I smooch you all. The background image is part of a painting called Higher Calling by Carter Goodrich which graced the cover of the Aug. 3, 1998 issue of The New Yorker Magazine.

Kids, don't try viewing this at home without Netscape 6 or IE 4.5+, a screen resolution of 800 X 600 and the font Mead Bold firmly ensconced on your hard drive.

�2000, 2001, 2002 Marn. This is me, dagnabbit. You be you.