Sunday, October 27, 2002
Dear Diary:

The spousal unit's older brother was divorced a while back and now he lives with The Girlfriend.

She's a very nice, friendly woman but I've never really warmed to her, which is most definitely more my fault than hers.

I'm a very cat-like person in that if I like you I will be very affectionate, but on my own terms. However, if I have doubts about you and you get all touchy feely on me, I will freeze up in a way that makes Al Gore seem like Richard Simmons on speed.

So of course The Girlfriend a very huggy, kissy person. This is the way the universe works, throwing together People Who Have Issues With Their Personal Space and People Who Love To Hug And Smooch. No one can tell me the universe is a cold, uncaring place. As I see it, the universe is a place with a truly wicked sense of humour.

Today The Girlfriend was holding a surprise birthday party for the spousal unit's brother. The spousal unit decided he had to stay here and keep working on the roof and so I was sent as the family envoy. The spousal unit is keenly aware of My Strict Rules About Who Comes Within My Personal Space and it gives him great, evil glee to watch me flinch each time The Girlfriend and I meet.

He really, really wanted to go to this party just to watch me suffer because not only is The Girlfriend very huggy kissy, but so is her whole family. Clearly, it must be some sort of genetic flaw that runs in that clan and They Just Can't Help It.

Yeah, I know. I'm not completely stupid. In my heart I understand that all this huggy kissy is a very generous thing, that this is The Girlfriend's family's way to truly welcome the spousal unit's clan into their family.


I think people have walked the final steps down Death Row with more alacrity than my walk from the Marnmobile into The Girlfriend's house.

The birthday party went well. Lots of teasing, lots of laughter. I even survived the huggy kissy gauntlet, but as you can well imagine, I'm feeling very fragile.

It's times like these when I wish I still had my blankie.


P.S.--The International Cavorting Day Hall of Fame is open. You, too, could be part of an institution that's just like the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame except that it doesn't involve music, Ohio, talent or an actual building.

Otherwise, they are remarkably alike.

Celebrate the notion that we should all have one day in our lives when we are free to celebrate a jolt of spontaneous happiness.

Post a button or post a link to the cavorting site and become enshrined! See yourself right up there on the screen!

Make a rubbing of your name!

Oh. Wait. Maybe that last bit wouldn't work. Nevermind that part, 'kay?

Today's inductee into the Hall o' Fame, Potential Winner of The Semi-Sacred Cavorting Prize Fundraising Chocolate Bar Which Has Lived In the Vegetable Keeper Of My Refrigerator For At Least Two Weeks are:

108. Odd Cellist
107. Mistress of the Dark's Diary of Darkness


Old Drivel - New Drivel

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This template is a riff on a design by the truly talented Quinn. Because I'm a html 'tard, I got alot of pity coding to modify it from Ms. Kittay, a woman who can make html roll over, beg, and bring her her slippers. The logo goodness comes from the God of Graphics, the Fuhrer of Fonts, the one, the only El Presidente. I smooch you all. The background image is part of a painting called Higher Calling by Carter Goodrich which graced the cover of the Aug. 3, 1998 issue of The New Yorker Magazine.

Kids, don't try viewing this at home without Netscape 6 or IE 4.5+, a screen resolution of 800 X 600 and the font Mead Bold firmly ensconced on your hard drive.

�2000, 2001, 2002 Marn. This is me, dagnabbit. You be you.