Dear Diary:

So how do you fit a bit of who you are and what your diary is about into a little box 60 pixels high and 468 pixels wide?

That was the challenge when I signed up for Diaryland Gold and got 10,000 banners. I know some folks have signed up and won't use the banners, but Mr. Man this just seemed like too much fun NOT to do.

THEN, as if THAT wasn't fun enough, someone else signed up for the gold service and said I had referred them so I got bonus banners. BONUS BANNERS. It made me warm and tingly.

There may have been quivering involved.

Fine. Go ahead. Make fun. The rest of you HAVE lives.

So the brain trust at MarnCo, the multinational corporation behind the Big Adventure (by brain trust we would be talking, a middle-aged, barely pre-menopausal woman and two cats--the cats being the intellectual heavyweights of the trio) sat down and brain stormed.

Actually brain stormed is a grandiose term for what happened. We brain flurried. It was the best we could do. But we flurried enthusiastically because That Is Our Way at MarnCo.

Okay, now that the banner blitz is pretty much over, here is what we spewed. I would like to mention that no matter WHAT Zoe and Zubby tell you, I did ALL the Photoshop work. We couldn't be cutting into that badly needed 22 1/2 hours of daily kitty sleep, now, could we?

The first effort.  Zubby just HAD to have that stylin' picture of his hat splashed over Diaryland again, eh.

For number two we used a woman who ran a brothel/bar where I live during the Prohibition and became incredibly wealthy.

Donny's famous butt flashing banner just HAD to be responded to, don't you think?  I think he's kicked some serious butt with THAT cool effort.

Oh, tell me that monkeys don't make you laugh.  Liar, liar pants on fire.  Say the words stinky monkeys to me and I will laugh like a hyena.  Oh be quiet.

Talk about your truth in advertising, eh.

Again with the monkeys.  The phrase wild monkey love is also guaranteed to make me laugh like a hyena.  If someone was to say to me Hey hootchie momma wanna make wild monkey love then I think I would laugh so hard my head would explode.  Now who would want that?

The second effort at truth in advertising, eh.

This would be one of my three readers.  Loyal, isn't she?

So which banner do I think reflects me best?

Why #5, OF COURSE.

About a year ago I was confessing that I really don't like babies." Just shoot me now, I know that's not natural in a woman. Sigh.

Old Drivel - New Drivel

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This template is a riff on a design by the truly talented Quinn. Because I'm a html 'tard, I got alot of pity coding to modify it from Ms. Kittay, a woman who can make html roll over, beg, and bring her her slippers. The logo goodness comes from the God of Graphics, the Fuhrer of Fonts, the one, the only El Presidente. I smooch you all. The background image is part of a painting called Higher Calling by Carter Goodrich which graced the cover of the Aug. 3, 1998 issue of The New Yorker Magazine.

Kids, don't try viewing this at home without Netscape 6 or IE 4.5+, a screen resolution of 800 X 600 and the font Mead Bold firmly ensconced on your hard drive.

�2000, 2001, 2002 Marn. This is me, dagnabbit. You be you.